High-speed grinding, precision grinding, grinding automation
High-speed grinding, precision grinding, grinding automation
1. High-speed grinding. High-speed grinding is a processing method to improve grinding and the grinding quality by increasing the speed of the grinding wheels, which is characterized by increased productivity, improved wheel life (75% or so higher than ordinary grinding) and improved machining accuracy and surface quality. However, the process of grinding consumes more power; therefore, higher requirements are imposed on the machine tools, the grinding wheels and the motor.
2. High-precision grinding. workpieces after precision grinding have a high degree of accuracy (quality) in terms of shape accuracy, position accuracy, dimensional accuracy, roughness and waviness. The idea that believes high-precision is only for roundness errors is one-sided.
Precision grinding is carried out on a precision grinder. During grinding, the stiffness, precision and geometric layout of the wheel assembly, guide wheel components and pallet components directly affect the accuracy of the workpieces. Therefore, in the design of high-precision grinders, it is necessary to predict the static and dynamic performances of the grinder. The prediction methods involve both the theoretical and the experimental aspects.
3. Grinding automation. The content of centerless grinding automation: workpiece loading and unloading automation, automatic measurement, automatic feed, automatic trim of grinding wheels and guide wheels, and automatic wheel balancing.

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